What is Safety Rating?

The "Safety Rating," often abbreviated as "SR," is a measure of a driver's safety and sportsmanship on the racetrack. It is a crucial aspect of iRacing's competitive environment, and it reflects how well a driver can navigate and race cleanly without causing incidents or accidents. Here's how the Safety Rating works:

What are the iRacing’s Classes

iRacing uses a class system to categorize drivers based on their skill and experience levels. These classes help ensure that drivers are competing against others of a similar skill level. The iRacing license classes, from lowest to highest, are as follows:

  • Rookie Class (R): This is the starting point for all new iRacing members. The Rookie class includes drivers who are new to the service and must complete a specific number of races and achieve a minimum Safety Rating to advance to the next class. Rookie drivers have access to basic stock cars and lower-powered open-wheel cars.

  • Class D: After successfully completing the Rookie class requirements, drivers move on to Class D. Class D includes a wide range of series and cars, offering more variety and power compared to the Rookie class.

  • Class C: Class C offers more advanced series and cars. To reach Class C, drivers need to continue racing and improving their Safety Rating.

  • Class B: Class B includes even more powerful cars and series, catering to experienced drivers who have demonstrated their skill and consistency on the track.

  • Class A: Class A is the highest license class in iRacing. It includes access to the most powerful and advanced cars and series in the service. Achieving Class A status is a significant accomplishment and signifies a high level of skill and experience.

  • Pro: The "Pro" license class is a special class reserved for top-tier, professional sim racers. These drivers often compete in high-level, officially sanctioned iRacing competitions, and they are among the best in the service.

How can I get Promoted?

For the Rookie class, once you reach 3.0SR you get promoted to the D class.

For the classes D,C,B, you get promoted at the end of the season if you are above 3.0SR OR you get promoted instantly if you reach 4.0SR

How can I get Demoted?

In D class, you can’t get demoted.

For the classes C,B,A, you get demoted at the end of the season if you are below 2.0SR OR you get demoted instantly if you reach 1.0SR

What is the MPR?

In iRacing, "MPR" stands for "Minimum Participation Requirement." The MPR is a set of requirements that you must meet in order to be eligible to race in certain series or to qualify for promotions to higher license classes. MPR is designed to ensure that drivers have a minimum level of experience and skill before participating in more advanced or competitive races. You will usually have to complete 4 races in your class to reach your MPR.

What are the Incident Points?

n iRacing, "incident points" or simply "incidents" refer to penalties that drivers receive for various infractions or actions during a race. These incident points are used to track and penalize unsafe driving and racing behavior. The goal of the incident point system is to promote clean, safe, and fair racing. Here are some common scenarios in which drivers can receive incident points:

You receive incidents points for the following reasons:

  • (1x) Going off-track

  • (2x) Lost Control of the Car

  • (4x) Car Contact

After you exceed a certain limit, you might receive a drive through penalty or a DQ.