Test Drive (00:22)

You can launch an offline session by either clicking on Test Drive in the top right corner of the UI main menu or by clicking Test Drive in the Go Racing sub-menu on the left. Once you access the Test Drive popup, you will have options to choose your car, your track, and the conditions.

Choose Car (00:41)

Learn how to select, tag, and sort cars for your offline session.

Choose Track (01:08)

Learn how to select, tag, and sort tracks for your offline session.

Choose Conditions (01:26)

Learn how to adjust weather conditions, date, and track conditions for your offline session.

Weather Variation (02:45)

Influence how the weather varies for your offline session.

Specific Date (03:36)

Choose a specific date for your offline session.

Track Conditions (04:13)

In iRacing, it is possible to launch a session with a pre-established amount of rubber on track, and select whether marbles are left on track or not.