Series List (00:00)

Through this list, you can view every series available on iRacing. Use the search bar to search a race series based on keywords. Use the top right buttons to sort and filter race series.

Tagging a Series as a Favourite (00:41)

Once you click on a series, there will be an empty star on the left of the series’ head title. This star is used to tag series as favorite. Once tagged, use the star on the right side of the filter and sort options on the Series List page to only view favorite tagged series.

Race Series Info on Series List (01:09)

A rundown of the information provided about a race series. On the Series List page, the information provided is the time before the series start and the start time, the series minimum license, the series official status (ranked or not), the series length, and the car and track.

Sessions Details (01:26)

Once you click on a series, you get a popup tab of the Series Details. The first page is the session details: the track, car, weather, and different sessions available (race and practice) as well as their scheduled start and end times.

Entries (01:49)

View the amount of people driving the current series in different sessions.

Schedule (01:55)

View the scheduled tracks and weather for weeks of the current series’ season.

Track Info (02:02)

Get more information and history about the current week’s track.

Series Info + a Series becoming Unofficial (02:11)

Get all of the series’ specific regulations such as minimum and maximum safety rating, incident limit, and caution type. It also has an important value: the minimum amount of starting drivers. On iRacing, series are official as long as there are more people than the minimum amount of starters. If there are less people signed up than the minimum amount of starters, then iRating is not affected by the results of that session as the session is unofficial.

Series Results (02:31)

View results from all sessions completed. You do not need to have ran an iRacing official session to view its results. This comes in handy when looking at average strength of fields (competition), as higher strength of fields allow for more iRating gains for the same finish position compared to a lower strength of field race session.

Series Stats (02:50)

iRacing series are 12 weeks seasons. Therefore, it is a championship that run over 12 weeks. There are championship points, and the Series Stats display the championship progress as the series progresses through weeks.